Because careful not utilize information technology to their students, a school on the outskirts of Pennsylvania, the U.S. should pay compensation 610,000 U.S. dollars, or approximately USD 5.5 billion. This case originated when the Lower Merion School District in 1800 to distribute laptops to students.
In order to secure the laptop, the school can install secret software mengkses webcam secretly. The aim to track the presence of these laptops if at any time is lost or stolen. However, the breakthrough was not pernha communicated with parents even turned out later misused.
In February, a student named Blake Robbins and his parents sued the school because he felt spied upon her privacy. In the lawsuit, they accuse the school record thousands of photos without the permission of his home, family, Blake even when in bed.
The lawsuit was filed after the school accused Blake to sell and use illegal drugs. Accusations based school photographs that recorded when Blake was at home. Not only is Blake, the school seems to spy on other students by enabling the webcam tracking system. In fact, students who spied on his laptop that has never reported missing. In total there are 30 000 photos taken through the school system that secret.
When the counter claim of privacy violation performed Blake's parents, the school was absent and never intentionally menakui memeta altivitas-matai to know their students. Schools remained adamant, the system was installed to track if at any time lost.
However, to resolve this case, the school finally agreed to end it out of court. The Lower Merion School District willing to pay an indemnity of 185,000 U.S. dollars to students who are disadvantaged and 425,000 U.S. dollars for attorneys' fees. Well, do not use any technology must not violate privacy despite good intentions.
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